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Lotus in Bloom

Upcoming Events

We accomplish our goals by hosting Monthly Community Events, Networking session and Community Service and more.



Discover your talents
Coming Soon

Would you like to act for theater and radio soap opera???

You don't need to have experience! You just need to be between 14 - 60 years.

Just desire to enter a fun 8 week workshop that will end with the creation of a theatrical show and a radio soap opera that will be broadcast in the USA, Mexico, and Spain.

This is your opportunity to live your dream and learn acting.

Date: Saturday, March 9th

Venue: 2600 W Germann Rd, Chandler, AZ 85286

Time: 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

RSVP via email at

*Fee: $380


Behind The Scenes:
Fortis Femina Movie

Come and join us for a meet and greet with the talents of Fortis Femina movie. Get to know more about the stories behind this movie. Learn how you can support and be part of this journey.

Date: Thursday, May 25th

Venue: The Look Cinemas, Chandler AZ

Time: 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM

RSVP on Facebook!


Fortis Femina Movie

The natural beauty of Sedona, Arizona provides the backdrop for this unusual weekend get-away that turns out to be a road trip destined to change the lives of these seven women.Though they come from divergent backgrounds when they arrive, they will soon be united in a way they weren’t expecting. They are about to discover that not only are things not always what they seem to be, but the dark secrets each of them harbors are mere shadows receding in the morning light, and their collective strength and faith in each other enables them to conquer their fears and find healing through friendship and striving to become that ‘better version of themselves’ they long to be.

​The Purpose of Mentorship


Feeling stuck? Wondering what is out there?

A mentor can help guide you towards the next step in your path. If you are feeling Anxious about your next step, come to our FREE workshop. Work through challenges & navigate transitions with a mentor.​

© 2024 property of Fortis Femina LLC

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